
Struggling with ELEVEN bladder stones!

Koby presented to our team with unexplained pain in the abdomen.

X-rays of his abdomen revealed three bladder stones contained within the bladder, and eight stones lodged in the urethra which were preventing him from being able to urinate. Unfortunately, the stones were too large to be passed naturally, and needed to be surgically removed. After a delicate surgery, the eleven bladder stones were collected and sent to the Minnesota Urolith Centre in the United States of America for special analysis. This team will identify the stones' chemical composition, which will allow for a healthcare plan to be tailored specially for Koby to prevent the stones from recurring.

There are many factors which predispose a pet to develop bladder stones, including stress, urinary infection, diet and genetic disorders. With an in-depth analysis to find the root of the issue, we're confident Koby will be able to live a long, happy and pain-free life!